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Searching for tags

You can search for tags using several methods, depending on what information you know about the tags that you want to find and your preferences:

To search for tags with the Find Tags command:

  1. From anywhere in the vault, on the Tools menu click Find Tags. The Find Tags dialog box appears similar to the following figure.
  2. Type search criteria in the text boxes in the top part of the dialog and click Find. Any matching tags appear in the lower part of the dialog.
  3. To make one of the tags the selected tag, double-click the tag in the list or select the tag in the list and click Go to Tag. The dialog closes and the selected tag becomes the selected tag.

Note    If this property is part of a Field-Path definition, it is possible that when this command is used for the first time, the full list is not shown. In this case, first select a document in the Meridian Enterprise PowerUser and retry the Find Tags command.

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